(BR) Mulher deixa a filha de 3 anos amarrada em casa enquanto ela vai esquiar
(BR) 12/14/2022
IBARAKI - A polícia de Mito, na província de Ibaraki, prendeu uma mulher desempregada de 22 anos de idade por suspeita de abuso de sua filha de três anos amarrando-a com cordel enquanto ela ia esquiar durante o dia.
De acordo com a polícia, Mio Minagawa, que foi preso na segunda-feira, admitiu a acusação, informou Kyodo News. A polícia citou-a como dizendo que ela amarrou sua filha por volta das 7 da manhã de domingo para impedi-la de ir lá fora, enquanto ela ia esquiar.
Uma vizinha que ouviu a menina chorando no domingo à noite foi verificar a situação e a viu chegar à porta da frente com um cordão parcialmente amarrado ao redor de seu corpo.
A vizinha chamou imediatamente a polícia e relatou que a garota poderia ter sido vítima de abuso.
Minagawa só voltou para casa no final da noite de domingo. A polícia disse que ela vivia sozinha com sua filha e a está interrogando para ver se ela abusava regularmente de sua filha que está atualmente sob custódia protetora.
Fonte: Japan Today
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
(EN) Man, arrested for pouring milk coffee into a ticket gate at a station in Aichi Prefecture.
(EN) Unemployed Hidehisa Ito, 53, of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, was arrested for pouring milk coffee in a plastic bottle into the ticket slot of a ticket gate at Setoshiyakushomae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line just after 10:30 a.m. on December 6. The machine broke due to the liquid.
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