Karimen English Exam Practice Test 4
1 – 50 Karimen English practice written exam. Get 40 / 50 to pass.
Good luck on taking the actual exam and continue to review~
When loading luggage, it is better to put it as far to the left as possible.
When loading, load as evenly as possible on both sides.
If a vehicle is stopped just before a crosswalk or bicycle crossing, pause before moving forward through the crosswalk or bicycle crossing.
When making a right turn at an intersection, when oncoming traffic is near the center of the intersection for the right turn, make the right turn as quickly as possible to avoid getting in the way of oncoming traffic
There is a possibility that a car may come straight ahead from the shadow of an oncoming car, so make sure it is safe before making a right turn.
If an elderly person who is having difficulty passing is walking, pause or slow down to allow safe passage.
If you feel sleepy while driving, open the windows to ventilate.
If you feel sleepy, pull over to a safe place to rest
The braking distance is the distance from when the driver senses danger and steps on the brake until the brake works and the car comes to a stop.
Braking distance is the distance from the time the brakes are applied to the time the driver comes to a stop. (The process of sensing danger and stepping on the brake is not included in the braking distance.
When you drive a car, you will be able to prevent accidents if you always think that everything will be okay.
You should always try to drive with a sense of anticipation of danger, rather than thinking that you will be fine.
To slow down means to slow down to half your current speed.
Slowing down generally means slowing down to 10 km/h or less. It is also correct to answer that you should slow down to a speed at which you can stop immediately.
When passing by a school or kindergarten bus that has stopped for children or infants to get on or off, slow down and make sure it is safe before passing.
The best way to brake is to step on the brake as hard as you can.
A good way to brake is to ease off the accelerator, slow down, and then apply the brake.
When parking, it must be done in the manner prescribed by the rules or it will cause congestion of traffic in the area.
If you are following the car in front of you through a railroad crossing, you do not need to pause.
You should pause and check for safety.
When making a left turn, use the left edge of the road in advance and slowly turn left along the side edge of the intersection.
Sounding the car horn more than necessary can make other people uncomfortable and can cause trouble
This sign indicates that motor vehicles and motorized bicycles are not allowed to pass

Pedestrians and regular bicycles are allowed where this sign is posted.
Motorized bicycles are allowed to travel at 50 km/h in areas where this sign is posted.

The maximum speed for motorized bicycles is 30 km/h. Do not drive over 30 km/h, even in areas where there is a sign
Pedestrians are also not allowed to pass where this sign is posted

If the signal beside you at an intersection is red, it's alright to assume the signal in front of you is green.
Even if the signal on the side is red, the signal in front is not always green.
Do not litter cigarette butts from a moving vehicle.
The timing of the signal when trying to change lane is about 30 meters before.
The timing of the signal when trying to change lane is about 3 seconds.
When passing by pedestrians, drivers must leave sufficient space between pedestrians or slow down
Cell phones should be turned off or set to drive mode before driving
Braking distances increase when road conditions are poor or when the vehicle is heavily loaded.
When turning right at a busy intersection, pass just inside the center of the intersection
This sign indicates crosswalks and bicycle crossing zones.

When crossing the sidewalk to enter a gas station, stop immediately before entering and confirm safety before entering.
When attempting to change lanes, you don't have to signal as long as you make sure it's safe to do so.
You should always signal when changing lanes
Intersections and their vicinity are places where most traffic accidents occur, so use the safest speeds and methods possible.
If you are traveling at 40 km/h and approaching a crosswalk and you are not sure if there are people crossing, you still proceed at the same speed.
Drive at a speed that allows you to stop immediately
A towing license is not required to tow a broken vehicle with a crane.
The signal to turn left or right should be given 30 meters before the point where the turn is to be made.
When there is no speed limit indicated by signs or markings on public roads, the maximum speed for ordinary vehicles is 60 kilometers per hour.
This sign must be placed on both the front and back of the vehicle when a person receiving a provisional license is driving on the road for practice

You must sound the car horn where this sign is shown.

When making a right turn at an intersection, you saw a motor in the oncoming lane, but the motor's speed appeared to be slow, so you continued to make the right turn.
Motorcycles tend to appear further away than they actually are. Even if it looks slow, pause and let the motorcyclist pass.
When passing by pedestrians, you are obligated to slow down, even if there is a safe distance between you and the pedestrian.
There is no obligation to slow down if there is a safe interval
Temporary driver's license is valid for 6 months
If a police officer gives you a hand signal with both arms raised horizontally at an intersection, the oncoming vehicle will either turn right or turn left.
The stop must be made at the stop position
If you are driving in a designated traffic zone and an emergency vehicle approaches, you do not have to yield the right of way because you are in the designated traffic zone.
Yield the right of way to emergency vehicles even when passing through designated traffic lanes.
The front and rear positions of the seat for correct driving posture should be adjusted to a slight bend in the knees when the clutch is depressed.
This sign indicates that there is a school, kindergarten, nursery school, etc.

This sign prohibits two-step right turns for motorized bicycles.

No overtaking or passing is allowed at crosswalks, bicycle crossing zones and 30 meters in front of them.
The maximum speed for large two-wheeled and standard two-wheeled vehicles on public roads not designated by signs or markings is 60 km/h.
You should drive under 10 km/h where this sign is located.

Make a habit of checking around the car and confirming its safety before driving it
Seat belts must be worn even in cars with airbags.
If you are practicing driving a car with a provisional driver's license, you should have someone with you who has second-class or first-class driver's license for you to be allowed to drive
This sign prohibits two motorcyclists from riding together

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