Honmen Hazard Prediction Exercises 1 2022 (15 questions)
1 – 15 Honmen Hazard Prediction Exercises
Good luck on taking the actual exam and continue to review~
You are proceeding at 35 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving straight through an intersection? It is dangerous for a motorcyclist to change course in front of your car to avoid a passenger car turning left, so you keep a short distance between you and the car.

Motorcyclists may stop suddenly behind a left-turning vehicle or change course significantly to get to the right of the left-turning vehicle. Be aware of the motorcyclist's movements and keep a safe distance between vehicles.
You are proceeding at 35 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving straight through an intersection? Slow down and proceed because the passenger car or motorcycle in front of you might stop suddenly.

The left-turning vehicle ahead is likely to stop just in front of the pedestrian as he/she is passing through the crosswalk to the left of the pedestrian. Slow down and proceed.
You are proceeding at 35 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving straight through an intersection? You cannot see the situation ahead of the intersection, so you pay attention to the movement of the car or motorcycle in front of you, and step over to the right side of the car and increase your speed.

Due to a left-turning car, you are not sure of the situation of oncoming traffic. Do not force yourself to move out to the right of the left-turning car to pass it, but instead pause and check the situation ahead before entering the intersection.
You are proceeding at 40 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving through an intersection? Watch out for both vehicles as you proceed, as the oncoming vehicle may start to turn right first without stopping, or the car on the left may enter the intersection without stopping.

If you enter the intersection at this speed thinking that the car on your left should pause because the road on which your car is traveling is a priority road with a center line, you will not avoid a collision if the car on your left enters the intersection without stopping. Slow down and approach the intersection.
You are proceeding at 40 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving through an intersection? The car on the left might see the oncoming car's signal to turn right and try to go straight through the intersection, so ease off the gas pedal and proceed, paying attention to the cars following you.

Oncoming right-turning vehicles may initiate a right turn even if your vehicle is close to the intersection. Slow down and approach the intersection with the expectation that an oncoming car might turn right first even if you are going straight.
You are proceeding at 40 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving through an intersection? The car on the left is expected to let his car on the priority road pass first, so you proceed on the road with a slight acceleration.

Even at intersections where visibility is good enough, accidents can still occur. The causes include misjudgment of distance and speed, and the feeling that both drivers think the other will stop. In order to avoid accidents, even if you are driving on the side with priority, drive with a sense of giving way to the other driver.
You are proceeding at 30 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving straight ahead? Pedestrians in front of you are about to finish crossing the street, so proceed at this speed, keeping as close to the left side of the intersection as possible and paying attention to their movements.

Intersections and their vicinity are the places where most accidents occur. When attempting to enter or pass through an intersection, drivers should proceed at the safest speed and in the safest manner possible, depending on the conditions of the intersection, while paying attention to other vehicles, pedestrians, and other traffic.
You are proceeding at 30 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving straight ahead? Since the visibility of the intersection is poor, slow down to a speed that allows you to stop at any time before it.

At intersections where there is no visibility to the left or right, people and cars may suddenly jump out of the way, so you must slow down to a speed that will allow you to stop immediately.
You are proceeding at 30 km/h. What do you pay attention to when driving straight ahead? Pedestrians may come out of the intersecting streets, so use the curve mirrors and your own eyes to make sure it is safe to pass on both sides.

You are traveling at 30 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving straight through an intersection with a flashing yellow light? Cars may come in from both sides of the intersecting road, so when entering an intersection, proceed after making sure it is safe to go left and right.

Intersections and their vicinity are the most accident-prone areas. At these locations, slow down and make sure you are safe on both sides of the road, as vehicles may enter the intersection from both sides of the intersection and oncoming vehicles may turn right behind large vehicles making a right turn.
You are traveling at 30 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving straight through an intersection with a flashing yellow light? Accelerate by leaning to the left to quickly pass through the intersection, as oncoming traffic may turn right from behind the trucks.

Other vehicles may enter from an intersecting road, ignoring the flashing red light. If you proceed carelessly, you may not be able to respond when a car emerges from the intersection, so be very careful.
You are traveling at 30 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving straight through an intersection with a flashing yellow light? The motorcycle on the left side of the intersecting road should pause in accordance with the flashing red signal, so you proceeded at the same speed.

You stopped at an intersection waiting to turn right. What should you pay attention to while driving? The bus is not expected to proceed immediately because it will be blocked by oncoming passenger cars, so turn right quickly before it does.

It is possible that a bus will go straight ahead while avoiding right-turning vehicles. In this situation, if you drive expecting that the bus will not go straight or will wait for your car to turn right, you may collide with the bus in the intersection.
You stopped at an intersection waiting to turn right. What should you pay attention to while driving? The bus is expected to wait for its own vehicle to turn right, so use the chance to turn right.

There may be other vehicles behind the bus that you cannot see, so make sure it is safe to turn right after the bus has passed. Even if the bus does not go straight ahead, be careful because two-wheeled vehicles may come out from behind the bus.
You stopped at an intersection waiting to turn right. What should you pay attention to while driving? Since you do not know what is going on behind the bus, you turn right after the bus has passed, after checking the situation carefully.

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