Moped (Gentsuki) License English Exam Practice Test 1
Moped (Gentsuki) License English Exam Practice Test 1 (原付免許)
A practice exam for Two-wheeled Motorcycle (Moped) students. Passing score is 45 out of 50 items. Good luck on taking the actual exam and continue to review~
When there are two vehicle traffic zones in the same direction, ordinary vehicles shall pass in the right-hand traffic zone and motorized bicycles shall pass in the left-hand traffic zone.
The right-hand traffic zone should be left open for passing, etc.
The right turn and turn signal shall be given when the vehicle reaches 30 meters before the point where the right turn or turn is to be made.
Turn right and turn signal at the point 30 meters before you intend to do so
When facing a blue light signal, you should consider the following vehicles and enter the intersection even if the traffic ahead is congested.
Do not enter when there is a traffic jam ahead and there is a risk of your vehicle stopping in the intersection.
On a downhill, the vehicle accelerates and the stopping distance is longer, so the distance between vehicles is longer.
Increase the distance between vehicles on hills because of acceleration and longer stopping distances.
When braking a motorcycle, it is best to apply the front and rear brakes at the same time while holding the handlebars and applying the engine brake.
For motorcycles, keep the vehicle vertical without turning the steering wheel and apply the front and rear wheel brakes at the same time.
The effect of vehicle speed appears only in the braking distance.
The effect of vehicle speed is not only seen in braking distance, but also in centrifugal and impact forces. It is proportional to the square of the speed.
On roads where crossing or turning is prohibited by signs or markings, backing is prohibited at the same time.
Even if crossing or turning is prohibited, it does not mean that backward movement is prohibited.
When riding a motorized bicycle through a curve, lean the bicycle toward the side of the curve rather than turning the handlebars.
When turning a curve on a two-wheeled vehicle, tilt your body to the side of the curve to maintain balance.
A muffler is a device that reduces the amount of exhaust gas from an engine.
A muffler is not a device to reduce the amount of gas. It is a device to muffle sound.
Never sound the alarm where there is no [sound the alarm] sign.
Even if there is no sign, you may sound an alarm if necessary to avoid danger
When entering a tunnel, the brightness changes abruptly and vision deteriorates rapidly, so be sure to slow down sufficiently before entering the tunnel.
It takes time to get used to the darkness, so slow down before entering the tunnel.
The legal speed limit for motorized bicycles is 30 kilometers per hour, but on wide roads with no traffic, motorized bicycles can be driven at 40 kilometers per hour.
Even if there is little traffic, you must drive at 30 km/h, the legal speed limit
When loading a bicycle, the width of the loading device must not be exceeded.
Motorized bicycles may extend up to 0.15 meters beyond the width of the loading device
The correct posture for riding a motorcycle is to hold the handlebars lightly with the wrists down and with the intention of pushing the handlebars forward.
When driving a motorcycle, grip lightly, relax your shoulders, and bend your elbows slightly downward
If the vehicle is carrying a heavy load, the braking distance will be longer.
When loaded with a heavy load, the braking distance will be longer.
Motorized bicycles (mopeds) are allowed on roads with this sign

This sign indicates "Bicycles Only". No vehicles other than regular bicycles and pedestrians are allowed.
When braking, step on the brake pedal with the heel, not the toe.
Step on the brake pedal with your toes, not your heel, and gradually step harder and harder on the brake pedal
The engine brake has a greater braking effect in lower gears than in higher gears.
Engine braking is more effective in lower gears than in higher gears
When passing through a yellow line, do not change course beyond the yellow line, even for the purpose of making a right or left turn.
In the yellow line vehicle traffic zone, do not change course beyond the yellow line, even for a right or left turn
As long as you pause before the crossing to make sure it is safe to go left and right, you can enter the crossing regardless of the traffic conditions on the other side of the crossing.
Do not enter a railroad crossing if there is no room for your company on the other side of the crossing
When passing by bicycles, you must keep a sufficient distance from them or slow down.
You must leave enough space or slow down just as you would when passing by pedestrians
When driving a vehicle with a malfunctioning steering wheel or brakes, one must slow down with extreme caution.
Never drive a vehicle with malfunctions.
Motorized bicycles can carry up to 60 kilograms of cargo
Motorized bicycles may only carry up to 30 kg of cargo
Within 30 meters before the intersection, a motorized vehicle in front of him was passing at a slower speed, so you overtook it.
Overtaking is prohibited within 30 meters before an intersection.
Using a cell phone while driving is very dangerous because it makes the driver not pay enough attention while driving.
Use of cell phones while driving is prohibited.
When driving, footwear that interferes with driving, such as geta and sandals, must be avoided.
Refrain from wearing sandals, flip-flops, etc., as they can interfere with proper driving.
While passing through an intersection, an emergency vehicle approached from behind, so you stopped on the spot.
Stop on the left side of the road after exiting the intersection, not in the intersection.
The chain of a motorcycle should not be even slightly loose when pressed with the fingers.
When inspecting a motorcycle chain, press it with your finger to check for looseness of 15 to 20 mm
At an intersection of streets of similar road widths, when a streetcar is proceeding, cars must not obstruct the progress of the streetcar.
At an intersection of roads of similar width, when a streetcar is proceeding, cars must not block the streetcar's progress
This sign marks the beginning of a one-way street.

This sign indicates "Left turn permitted".
When turning right or left according to a traffic signal, automobiles and motorized bicycles have priority and can proceed without concern for pedestrian traffic.
If there are pedestrians in the area, do not block their passage, and pause before the pedestrian crossing to yield the right of way.
When a motorized bicycle is towing a rear car, the maximum weight of the load that can be carried on the rear car is 200 kilograms.
The weight of cargo that can be loaded on a rear car towed by a moped is limited to 120 kg
At intersections where visibility is limited to the left and right, it is better to keep sounding the horn and pass through.
Do not sound the alarm, slow down or stop, and pass while confirming safety.
Even if you have received a moped license, you may not operate a motorized bicycle unless you are carrying your license.
You must always carry your driver's license when driving a moped
During the daily inspection, it was found that the turn signals were not working properly, but I was able to give a signal by hand, so I continued to drive.
Driving with turn signals or lights not working properly is prohibited
Crossing the road with a right turn to enter or exit an off-street facility is prohibited on roads with this sign.

This sign indicates "No Vehicle Crossing". Crossing the road with a right turn is prohibited.
Motorized bicycles are allowed on the roads marked with this sign.

This sign indicates "Closed to Automobiles Other Than Two-wheeled Motorcycles". Therefore, mopeds are allowed to pass.
When crossing a sidewalk on a motorized bicycle, slow down and be careful not to obstruct pedestrian traffic.
You are obligated to stop before the sidewalk, with or without pedestrians
In dense fog, operate the right turn signal so that oncoming vehicles can see your vehicle clearly.
Operation of the right turn signal is prohibited when not turning right or changing course to the right
A moped license allows the holder to drive a motorized bicycle, minicar, or small special motor vehicle.
A moped license only allows you to drive a motorized bicycle (moped)
This sign indicates that there are traffic restrictions ahead.

This is a sign indicating that there is danger ahead.
Pushing and walking with the engine of a motorized vehicle running is allowed on the sidewalk
If you do not turn off the engine, you will not be treated as a pedestrian. Therefore, sidewalks are not passable.
The maximum speed for motorized bicycles is never regulated lower than 30 km/h.
May be restricted to 30 kilometers or less by signs and markings.
The brake pedal can be dangerous if there is any slack (loose) in the pedal.
The brake pedal should have about 15-20 mm of free space
At an intersection of a two-lane roadway, a motorized bicycle turning right at a green light shall use the same method as a motor vehicle.
Turn right in the center of the road as you would in a car, except where there is a two-step right turn sign.
When braking a motorcycle, apply the front and rear brakes at the same time.
When braking on a motorcycle, use the front and rear wheel brakes at the same time!
Motorized bicycles must have automobile liability insurance or automobile liability mutual aid.
Do not drive a moped without automobile insurance or liability mutual aid
When the traffic signal ahead indicates a blue light signal, a left-turning motorized bicycle may continue to proceed even if the signal in the left direction is red.
If the light signal ahead is blue, the motorized bicycle may continue to turn left or go straight.
Passing cars are prohibited in any tunnel because it is dark, narrow, and dangerous.
Overtaking is not prohibited in tunnels with vehicle traffic zones.
If the driver of the motorized motorcycle traveling ahead has his left arm extended horizontally, it means that he is slowing down.
The signal to extend the left arm horizontally indicates a left turn or a change of direction to the left.
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