Honmen Driving Hazard Prediction Exercises 3
1 – 15 Honmen Hazard Prediction Exercises
Good luck on taking the actual exam and continue to review~
You are proceeding at 40 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving? Oncoming traffic may run off the center of the road, so slow down and proceed by pulling to the left.

On curves, it is dangerous to proceed closer to the center of the road because oncoming traffic may run off the center of the road.
You are proceeding at 40 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving? The left side of the road has a guardrail, which must not be touched, so you proceed closer to the center line.

When approaching a curve, slow down well before it. Steering at high speed or braking while steering can easily cause a rollover or sideslip.
You are proceeding at 40 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving? As you approach a curve with poor visibility, switch your front lights upward to alert oncoming traffic to the presence of your vehicle and slow down to proceed.

When approaching a curve, switch your front headlights upward or flash them on and off to alert other vehicles and pedestrians of your approach.
You are proceeding at 50 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving? The curve ahead becomes too steep to go around, and there is a risk of hitting a guardrail, so you slow down to proceed.

When a vehicle attempts to go around a curve, centrifugal force will cause the vehicle to slide outward, which may result in failure to go around the curve, running off the road, or overturning. Slow down before the curve.
You are proceeding at 50 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving? Since there is no sign of oncoming traffic, you enter the curve at the same speed as before and accelerate quickly in the latter half of the curve to proceed.

On curves, visibility is often poor and it is difficult to see what is ahead, so anticipate the presence of oncoming traffic in advance and be aware that oncoming traffic may run off the center of the road. It is also important to keep your car off the center of the road as well.
You are proceeding at 50 km/h. What should you pay attention to when driving? Oncoming traffic may cross the center line, so slow down and move to the left side of the lane.

You are traveling at 40 km/h. What should you pay attention to when a bus is approaching from behind a stopped car in front of you? The bus might stray off the median, so proceed close to the median to avoid straying.

You should pause or slow down in advance and give way to the oncoming bus. As the bus may run off the right side of the road to avoid the stopped car.
You are traveling at 40 km/h. What should you pay attention to when a bus is approaching from behind a stopped car in front of you? Buses are expected to let their own vehicles pass first without driving unreasonably for the safety of passengers, so they accelerate to pass so as not to make passengers wait.

Pedestrians and bicycles may jump out from behind stopped cars. Even if an oncoming bus passes by, do not easily accelerate and be very careful!
You are traveling at 40 km/h. What should you pay attention to when a bus is approaching from behind a stopped car in front of you? Pedestrians may come out from behind stopped cars, so slow down and pass the bus while paying attention to the shadow of the cars and the movement of the bus.

You stopped following the car in front. What do you pay attention to when driving through a railroad crossing? Because there is a risk that you may not be able to see what is ahead of you and stop at the crossing, make sure that there is room for your car to stop at the end of the crossing before entering.

If the train starts when the other side of the crossing is congested, there is a risk of being stuck inside the crossing. It is very dangerous to get stuck in such a situation at a railroad crossing. You must wait until you are sure there is room for your car at the end of the crossing before starting.
You stopped following the car in front. What do you pay attention to when driving through a railroad crossing? There is an oncoming vehicle, but pass it without going too far to the left.

If you lean too far to the left when passing through a railroad crossing and fall off the wheel, you will not be able to move on your own and will need several people to push you out of the way. At railroad crossings, major accidents such as fatal or serious injury accidents tend to occur. Be careful of oncoming traffic and stay slightly to the center of the road to avoid falling off the wheel.
You stopped following the car in front. What do you pay attention to when driving through a railroad crossing? The road may not be wide enough to pass the truck behind the passenger car in the oncoming lane at the crossing, so follow the car in front of you and enter the crossing sooner than later.

You are proceeding at 50 km/h in the acceleration lane of a highway. What should you pay attention to when driving? It seems that there is enough distance from the car coming from the back of the main roadway, so you immediately enter the main roadway.

When trying to enter the main roadway, pass through the acceleration lane and accelerate sufficiently so that the speed difference with vehicles on the main roadway is small before merging.
You are proceeding at 50 km/h in the acceleration lane of a highway. What should you pay attention to when driving? Check the back of the car diagonally to the right carefully, as other cars may be in the blind spot of the car's rearview mirror.

When entering a main roadway, if you judge that there are no cars following you only by checking your rearview mirror, you may come into contact with other cars that are not visible in your rearview mirror (blind spots), so check carefully before merging.
You are proceeding at 50 km/h in the acceleration lane of a highway. What should you pay attention to when driving? A car is coming from behind on the main roadway, but the overtaking lane is open, so you accelerate into the overtaking lane at once.

Some vehicles try to enter the passing lane directly from the acceleration lane, which is very dangerous.
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