Moped (Gentsuki) License English Exam Practice Test 3 2023
Moped (Gentsuki) License English Exam Practice Test 3 (原付免許) 2023
A practice exam for Two-wheeled Motorcycle (Moped) students. Passing score is 45 out of 50 items. Good luck on taking the actual exam and continue to review~
While driving, an emergency vehicle approached from behind, but since it was not near an intersection, you slowed down and continued on your way.
You must yield to the left side of the road instead of slowing down.
It is also possible to stop on the bike crossing if you are stuck for a long distance due to traffic congestion.
If you are in a situation where you must stop on a bicycle crossing zone, stop in front of it and do not enter it.
Overtaking on the right side of the center line of this sign is prohibited.

The center line of this marker does not prohibit traffic from overflowing to the right.
Avoid driving when there is a risk of photochemical smog due to air pollution.
Avoid driving when photochemical smog occurs or is at risk of occurring due to air pollution.
After bus operation hours, it is alright if you parked your vehicle within 10 meters of the bus stop and do some shopping.
Parking is prohibited within 10 meters of bus stops only during operation hours.
Even when parking at night with stop sign equipment in place, tail lights must always be turned on.
When parking with stop sign equipment in place, tail lights taillights, etc. are not required.
In the event of an accident resulting in injury or death, stop immediately to prevent further accidents, protect the injured, and report to the police after not obstructing other traffic.
If you cause an accident resulting in injury or death, report it to the police after helping yourself or the injured.
When turning right on a street that is one-way, the driver must slow down inside the center of the intersection by the center of the road beforehand.
When making a right turn on a one-way street, stay on the right side of the road and slow down inside the center of the intersection.
If a disabled person is towed by a rope, the driver of the towing vehicle and the vehicle with the disabled person must be licensed to drive the vehicle.
The broken-down vehicle being towed must also have a license to drive that vehicle.
If the traffic is light, you may change lanes at any time, even if the lane is marked with a yellow line.
Vehicle traffic lanes with yellow lines cannot be changed except when giving way to emergency vehicles or during road construction.
With a moped license, you can only drive a motorized bicycle.
With a moped license, you can only drive a motorized bicycle.
Motorized bicycles may pass within the roadside strip when pedestrians are not passing.
Cars and motorized bicycles cannot pass through the roadside strip.
Motorized bicycles can also pass on the track with this sign.

This sign indicates "Track Driving Allowed" Sign indicating that cars can drive on the train tracks (if specified as an auxiliary sign, only the designated car is allowed)
Do not enter a railroad crossing if there is congestion ahead and there is a risk of coming to a stop within the crossing if you continue on your way.
If the other side of the crossing is crowded, do not enter the crossing, as you risk getting stuck if you continue on.
If a driver is given an Abandoned Vehicle Identification Mark for a parking violation, the driver shall not remove the Abandoned Vehicle Identification Mark, even when driving the vehicle.
The driver may remove the abandoned vehicle identification mark when driving the vehicle.
If the vehicle passes through a deep puddle, water may enter the brake drum, causing the brakes to fail.
When passing through deep puddles, the brakes may become ineffective or ineffective due to water entering the brake dam.
Excessive speed or overloading does not affect running noise or exhaust noise.
Excessive speed and overloading increase running noise and exhaust noise.
If the driver senses a dangerous situation and brakes suddenly, the car will not stop immediately.
A car must brake when it senses danger, and the distance between when the brakes begin to work and when it comes to a stop.
Overtaking is prohibited in the tunnel only when there is a vehicular traffic zone.
Overtaking is prohibited only when there is no vehicular traffic zone.
While passing in a one-way street, except near an intersection, an emergency vehicle approached from behind, so you yielded the right-of-way to the left.
It is necessary to yield the right of way to the left side of the road
On roads with this sign, motorized bicycles are allowed to carry two people.

This sign indicates "Large two-wheeled motorbikes and standard two-wheeled motorbikes with two occupants are prohibited."
Even if the width of the left portion of the road is more than 6 meters, a driver may overtake by running out from the center to the right portion of the road if the overtaking is not prohibited in the area.
Only if the left portion of the road is less than 6 meters wide, overtaking is allowed on the right portion of the road.
Tires with worn treads are more likely to slip in the rain and require longer stopping distances.
Stopping distance increases when the road surface is wet and the tire grooves are worn out
At the intersection with this sign, turning left into the road diagonally to the left is prohibited.

This sign indicates "Do not proceed outside the designated direction".
If the traffic light changes from blue to yellow before an intersection, it is better to accelerate and pass through at once.
Accelerating through traffic when there is a safe stopping distance before the stop sign is treated as jaywalking.
The number of lanes on the road with this sign is reduced, so traffic must stay in the right-hand lane.

Since this sign indicates "Lane Decrease", vehicles traveling in the left lane must change lanes to the right lane.
When driving at night, you can't see ahead, so keep your eyes on the front of the car as much as possible.
At night, try to look as far ahead as possible so that you can spot pedestrians and obstacles as quickly as possible.
When crossing a sidewalk on a motorized bicycle, it is permissible to slow down if there are no pedestrians passing on the sidewalk.
Regardless of whether there are pedestrians passing on the sidewalk or not, you are obligated to always stop just before the sidewalk.
When braking on dry road surfaces with a two-wheeled vehicle, the rear wheel brake should be applied slightly harder.
When braking on dry road surfaces with a motorcycle, the front brake should be applied slightly harder.
Passing by a vehicle stopped to drop off a person and entering in front of it to stop does not constitute an interruption.
It is not an interruption to enter the front of a vehicle in which people are getting in and out.
When loading or unloading within 5 meters of the fire-fighting machinery and equipment, the driver may stop for more than 5 minutes if he/she is ready to drive immediately.
Even when loading or unloading a load that is ready to be driven immediately, the parking time must not exceed 5 minutes in a no-parking area.
The engine brake has more braking force in lower gears.
The engine brake has greater braking force in lower gears.
The signal ahead turned red, so you stopped in the area marked by this marker.

This marker indicates a "no-stop zone" Try to avoid this area when stopping.
When the brake is applied several times, the brake light flashes to help prevent rear-end collisions.
When the brake is used several times, the brake light flashes, signaling to following vehicles and helping to prevent rear-end collisions.
Where this sign is located, it is possible to pass by by turning off the engine of the motorcycle, getting off, and pushing and walking.

This sign indicates "Pedestrians Only," so you can pass as a pedestrian if you turn off your motorcycle engine and push it along.
A person whose motorized bicycle license has been suspended shall not operate a motorized bicycle during the period of suspension.
Driving while under suspension constitutes driving without a license.
At night, there are fewer pedestrians and less traffic, so it is safer to drive at higher speeds than during the day.
It is difficult to see at night, so it is dangerous to drive a little slower than in the daytime.
Automatic motorcycles with continuously variable transmissions can easily transmit engine power to the wheels when the engine speed is low.
Automatic motorcycles with unauthorized gearboxes have difficulty transferring engine power to the wheels when the engine speed is low.
Upon inspection of the motorcycle, if the brake lever play is approximately 20 to 30 mm, it is appropriate.
Appropriate brake lever play is approximately 20 to 30 mm
If a traffic signal has a red light signal but a blue light arrow pointing to the left, all vehicles are allowed to turn left.
If the blue light arrow is pointing left, all vehicles may turn left.
A traffic light signal does not always mean that the signal ahead is blue, even if the signal beside it is red.
Even if the signal beside you is red, it does not necessarily mean that the signal ahead is blue.
Because the movement of motorcycles may not be visible to four-wheeled vehicles, motorcycle drivers need to pay more attention to the movement of traffic around them.
When driving a two-wheeled vehicle, drive with caution and avoid entering the blind spots of four-wheeled vehicles.
Do not drive a car with a damaged muffler that makes a loud exhaust noise.
Do not drive a vehicle that makes noise.
Motorized bicycles are not allowed on roads with this sign.

This sign indicates that "Motorcycles and two-wheeled vehicles" are prohibited.
When towing a broken down motorized bicycle with a rope, a red cloth must be placed in the middle of the rope.
Attach a white cloth to the middle of the rope.
A person who received a moped license can operate a motorcycle with a total displacement of 80cc.
Motorcycles with total displacement between 50cc and 400cc cannot be driven with a moped license, as they are standard motorcycles.
Motorized bicycles must pass closer to the center of the road on roads without vehicle passing zones.
On roads without vehicle traffic zones, traffic must pass on the left side of the road.
At intersections of roads of similar width (except priority roads) where there is no traffic control, the streetcar shall not be obstructed.
At intersections of streets with similar road widths, trams or vehicles coming from the left shall not impede the passage of such vehicles, if any.
If a major earthquake warning is declared, you should use your car as far as you can go in order to evacuate to a safe area as quickly as possible.
If a major earthquake warning is declared, do not evacuate by car.
If a person knowingly lends a motorized bicycle to a person who has been drinking alcohol, the penalty applies to the person who lends the bicycle.
If a car is rented to a person who may be driving under the influence of alcohol, penalties apply to the person who rented the car.
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